The Art and Science of Biostatistics Behind countless medical and public health breakthroughs are the translators, problem-solvers, and artists of the biological sciences—also known as biostatisticians
Muscle Loss in Older Adults and What to Do About It Loss of muscle mass among elderly can lead to falls, and staying put during the pandemic doesn’t help
Loss of muscle mass among elderly can lead to falls, and staying put during the pandemic doesn’t help Falls may be accelerated by sarcopenia, a condition that can start as early as our 30s, according to expert Dr. Roger Fielding of the HNRCA.
In 2020, All Hands Were on Board at Tufts Responding to the Pandemic As COVID-19 changed the world, the university pivoted quickly to keep students learning and everyone safe
Is Vitamin K the Secret Key to Bone Strength? Tufts and Cornell researchers are exploring a surprising possible path to strong bones