Current Human Studies

A woman and man sit in chairs while clinicians speak with them

We promote healthy and active aging based on research focused on nutrition and physical activity choices that encourage vitality. Through our research, important theories about nutrition and health are investigated; the results in turn, lead to dietary recommendations for millions of Americans. Since research based on human participation has the best chance of yielding results that can be applied to the general public, we usually have a constant need for volunteers to participate in nutrition research studies.

Current studies that are recruiting volunteers

For more information about these studies, please click on the Study Inquiry Form below and list the study number you are interested in. You can also call Volunteer Services at 617-556-3013  or email Someone from our team will contact you to conduct an initial screening over the phone. If you pass the initial screening you will then be invited to come to our center for a more in depth screening to determine eligibility with our nursing and dietary staff, depending on the study.